Northwest Passage

34" x 49" DisplayMaker Print

© 1995 Dan Younger/ArtStuff

The original picture that forms the basis for "Northwest Passage" was made on the last vacation that I made with my parents. If photographs could ever claim to bear the soul of their sitters, this image has manages to capture exactly how I felt on that trip. (My wife feels it also explains how impossible I must have been at that time.) "Northwest Passage" is my best attempt to explain how superimposed reality and fantasy were for me at that age.

Technical Stuff:

The basis for this image is a slide my father made on vacation in Minnesota. The sphere was made with a Kai's Power Tools plugin called Glass Sphere (or something). There are actually two spheres, one with a highlight on the bottom right , then stacked in order, a NASA picture of the moons of Jupiter, me, and the second sphere, this one with the highlight on the upper left. On top of all of this, I created a rocket exhaust trailing from behind the sphere to a transparent rocket. The rocket was made in Ray Dream Designer and imported into the picture. The whole thing was assembled in Photoshop (before layers, by the way).