Look There

33" x 33" DisplayMaker Print

© 1995 Dan Younger/ArtStuff

"Look There" is a photo that I made myself. On vacation Dad took a road on the map that looked like a shortcut. The road eventually turned into dirt, and we were stopped by a construction crew. We waited for quite some time until they blasted out the road ahead. I took this picture of my sister counting the line of cars who waited with us, and my mother looks for the blasting. My father is standing off to the side and fuming about the delay. It was a perfect place to notice an alien invasion.

Technical Stuff:

The original slide was a horizontal image, so I had to add the top of the foreground hill by cloning it from the rest of the rock face. The sky is from a Photo CD of sky pictures that I made as a kind of "library" of sky images. The alien ships were made in Ray Dream Designer. Once one ship was made, it can be copied and pasted behind itself over and over to form a line of ships. Then the whole line can be duplicated and moved over to form other lines. I then moved the "camera" (really a viewing point) below and to one side of the rows of ships & rendered out an image to paste into my picture. (Given the amount of objects and the amount of reflections, the rendering took 36 hours.)