Home on the Range

36" x 72" DisplayMaker Print

© 1995 Dan Younger/ArtStuff

This about my room. It was a fortress of sorts. I would lock my door and read science fiction and leave any notion of reality behind. In this scene, I've tried to reproduce the things in the room that were important to me: my reading chair, a model space ship, and books (too small to see in this reproduction, but books I owned at that time are there, including my Wiley Lee books). I even included my pole lamp. My mother and sister wait at the open door, but I'm not in. (There's a rocket leaving, maybe that's why.) (I must admit that I copped the "open door in space" number from The Twilight Zone or something like that, but loved that series as well as I loved my books, so maybe it's a part of me, anyway.)

Technical Stuff:

The main landscape was made in Vista Pro from a grayscale pattern originally made in Photoshop. The room was entirely made in Ray Dream Designer, including the door and the lighted hall behind the door. (The door has a Walt Disney - like doorknob from Alice in Wonderland - another surrealist venture.) The rocket ship was also made in Ray Dream. Then, the parts were assembled in layers: the room and foreground , the door and the mid-ground, the front rocket exhaust, the mountains, the rocket and its exhaust, and then the star sky. were stacked in that order.