spending sidebar


Stop and ask yourself, "Do I really want to spend money on this?  If you're pretty sure that you do, can you think of three reasons why?

  1. __________________________________________________
  2. __________________________________________________
  3. __________________________________________________

What will I have to give up if I spend money on this?  In other words, what goods and services will I not be able to buy if I choose to spend on this?

Is there a substitute, say a different brand or another good like this, that I might want more or that might cost less?

Is there anything that bothers me about buying this?_______


Go for it!  Buy those new jeans, save for those inline skates, go to the movie, or choose not to do!

How did it go?  Am I satisfied with my spending decision?

Did I have to give up something that I really didn't plan to because of my spending decision?

Would I make the same spending decision if I had it to do over again?