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Too Good to Be True

Hi!  My name is Vicki.  I love hot-fudge sundaes, PokémonTM cards, and sour candy.

I get my allowance on Fridays.  Well, I get most of it anyway if I remember to feed the cat and hang up my wet towel all week.

I'm going to the mall this Friday to get the newest set of cards.  I can't wait.  It's almost too good to be true.

Mom says we can all go with her on her business trip to Chicago next month.  We can go to the museum, the aquarium, and shop while she's in her meetings.  We even get to miss a day of school.  This is too good to be true.


Chicago was awesome.  There were cool gift shops in all the museums, three floors of stuff at NikeTown, and an ENTIRE building of American GirlTM dolls and clothes.  Dad even let us ride up and down a bunch of times on the escalators at F.A.O. Schwarz.  Mom never lets us do that.  It was too good to be true.

All except for one thing, that is, one pretty big thing.  I didn't have any money.  And, to make matters worse, my brother Stevie always saves most of his allowance, so he had money to spend.  He bought a really cool basketball jersey, new baseball cleats, and a Bull's poster.  I couldn't even afford a frog eraser at the aquarium.  It was too sad to be true.

Could this be true for you?  Why or why not?