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Work Done Right

To make the link between work and pay, consider taking "bids" for special projects such as shoveling snow, cleaning the garage, or washing the car.  The process of developing the bid and then following through on the terms of the contract offer great chances for growth and discussion.  Here are some tips.

  1. The bid must be submitted in writing by a specified date and time.
  2. The bid must include a complete description of the work to be performed, the time frame for completion of the work, and the expected payment for the job.
  3. The bid should also contain a list of supplies and tools needed to complete the job AND specify who is responsible for the costs of these items.  If this information is left out of the contract, the parent should feel free to approach the contractor in process and demand payment for the rental of snow shovels, hoses, rakes, and other equipment.  This will probably only happen once!
  4. The bid should allow for a parental inspection (and the criteria for such an inspection) before payment is made to assure that work is done right!