History Department Alumni and Friends Student Research & Conference Travel Grant:
The Alumni and Friends of the History Department have generously made possible grants of up to $500 to support travel for research or conference presentation of research projects. One award is available for each of Fall and Spring semesters. Fall semester application is due September 15 and Spring semester application is due January 30.
Undergraduate Student Research & Conference Travel Grant Application
Graduate Student Research & Conference Travel Grant Application
History Department Alumni & Friends Off Campus Study Scholarship:
The Alumni and Friends of the History Department have generously made possible a $1000 scholarship to support History majors completing off campus and study abroad experiences. All declared History majors are eligible to apply for the scholarship to support enrollment in UMSL Global sponsored study abroad programs.
Interested students should submit a statement indicating the name of the program and how the study abroad experience will enhance their academic studies and career goals. The statement should not exceed one page and should include the name of a professor who may serve as a reference. Deadline for Fall and Spring scholarships TBD.
Alumni & Friends Off Campus Study Scholarship Application