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Scholarships and Assistantships

Eligibility for scholarships and assistantships is considered after acceptance for admission to the graduate degree program in museum studies. Candidates should initiate the application for financial aid concurrently with your application for program admission.

The following fellowships and assistantships are reserved for graduate students in the Museum Studies concentration:

  • E. Desmond Lee Scholarships are applied to academic fees. The specific amounts awarded are determined after reviewing applications, but range from $1,000 to $4,000. Candidates are chosen on the primary basis of financial need, with secondary consideration of prior academic and work record.
  • Graduate Research Assistants (GRAs) work an average of twenty hours per week during the nine months of the school year. Specific work assignments vary each year, but usually involve placement at a museum or heritage institution in the St. Louis area. In recent years GRAs have worked at such institutions as the Missouri History Museum, Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site, Laumeier Sculpure Park, The Campbell House, The St. Louis Science Center, The Archives and Museum of Optometry, and the St. Louis Art Museum.
Graduate Research Assistants receive a stipend of $10,000 for the academic year. They are renewable for a second year, based on satisfactory performance the first year in both academic and assistantship work.