
M.A. in History

The  M.A. in History  provides a broad-based program of study that emphasizes knowledge and skills relevant to their intellectual inquiry and next steps in a variety of fields. We offer students opportunities to learn about areas of the world: the United States, Mexico, Africa, China, Japan, Europe, and South Korea, while gaining understanding of how culture, geography, politics, religion, race, gender and economics structure societies in different ways. Students in our programs can explore the various career settings in which the historical skills of asking questions, writing, research, and analysis are an asset. The M.A. allows students to concentrate on Museums, Heritage, and Public History or on History Education, and participate in internships at local historic sites or museums. Additionally, we aim to prepare those students who will seek a doctoral degree. Students should consult with the Director of Graduate Studies for help with deciding on areas of focus and options for completing the degree.

M.A. in Museums, Heritage and Public History

The graduate program in Museums, Heritage, and Public History showcases the best of an UMSL education: productive civic partnerships, academic excellence, and strong support for students. This interdisciplinary degree with a strong historical core prepares students for professional careers in museums, historic sites and societies, cultural agencies, and related organizations. We address pressing needs of museums and heritage institutions in the 21st century: collaboration and community engagement, digital media and new technologies, and diversity and cross-cultural training.

Certificate in Museums, Heritage and Public History

The Certificate in Museums, Heritage, and Public History offers a truncated version of the M.A. in Museum, Heritage, and Public History curriculum for students who already possess an M.A. degree. 

Certificate in History Education

The Graduate Certificate in History Education is designed for practicing teachers, instructional coordinators, and history educators in the community who are seeking to deepen their knowledge of history education. It offers history and social studies educators a program that integrates historical and educational knowledge, theory, and practice. The goals of the certificate are to improve the practice of history education in schools and the community, to research in history and social education, to deepen students’ historical knowledge, and to encourage sophisticated teaching and curriculum development built on research at the intersection of history and the learning sciences.