

Undergraduate Advising

Kara Moskowitz, Ph.D.

If you are thinking about becoming an history major or you have already declared history as your major and you need advising, please contact Dr. Kara Moskowitz, Director of Undergraduate Studies.

Kara Moskowitz

Phone: (314) 516-5599
Email:  moskowitzk@umsl.edu
Office: 464 Lucas

Sarah Klekamp

If you are thinking about becoming an history major or you have broader questions related to the College of Arts and Sciences, please contact Ms. Sarah Klekamp in College of Arts and Sciences Undergraduate Advising.

sarah klekamp

Email: klekamp@umsl.edu
Office: 303 Lucas


African-African American Studies - Advising

Priscilla Dowden-White, Ph.D.

If you are considering pursuing a degree in African-African American studies, or you are already admitted to our program and need advising, please contact our advisor of this degree, Dr. Priscilla Dowden-White. You can drop by during her office hours, call or email her. If you'd like to visit but her office hours are not convenient, she would be happy to meet you by appointment. Just give her a call or send an email and she'll be happy to set up an appointment with you.

Priscilla Dowden-White  

Phone: (314) 516-5723
Email: padhist@umsl.edu 
Office: 475 Lucas


Graduate Advising

Deborah Cohen, Ph.D.

If you are considering pursuing a Master's degree, entering our B.A./B.S./M.A. dual degree program, or you are already admitted to either program and you need advising, please contact our Director of Graduate Studies, Dr. Deborah Cohen. You can drop by during her office hours, call or email. If you'd like to visit but her office hours are not convenient, she would be happy to meet you by appointment. Just give hera call or send an email and she'll be happy to set up an appointment with you.

Deborah Cohen 

Phone: (314) 516-5735
Email: deborah.cohen@umsl.edu
Office: 466 Lucas  

Museum Studies Advising

Lara Kelland, Ph.D.

If you are considering pursuing a Master's degree in Museum Studies, or you are already admitted to our program and need advising, please contact our Director of Museum Studies, Dr. Lara Kelland. You can drop by during her office hours, call or email her. If you'd like to visit but her office hours are not convenient, she would be happy to meet you by appointment. Just give her a call or send an email and she'll be happy to set up an appointment with you.

lara kelland

Phone: (314) 516-5684
Email: lara.kelland@umsl.edu
Office: 418 Lucas