
UMSL History majors achieve successful careers in: administration, business, criminal justice, communication, education, human resources, law, museums and heritage sites, nonprofit, project management, public policy, and many other diverse fields. Explore what your future career in history will look like, by reviewing the following resources:

  • American History Association:
  • Careers With a History Degree Course:
    • This 1 hour course is offered in the Spring semester.  It provides an orientation to career opportunities for history majors. It is recommended for majors and minors and is open to students who are considering the field. It explores careers directly related to history and other sectors for which the degree is valuable, including: administration, business, criminal justice, communication, education, human resources, law, museums and heritage sites, nonprofit, project management, public policy, and many other diverse fields. Students engage in activities that help them to identify their professional goals, network in the region, and become familiar with internships, minors, and certificates that enhance their degree.
history careers(cr. Walter Lemmon)