Steamshovel Press #15

Contents include: American Nazis and the Nation of Islam by Saab Lofton; SAUCER SECTION: The Octopus, Wild Rumors by Kenn Thomas and Jim Keith; Virus Wars: Does HIV Cause AIDS?; New Neal Cassady Document; JFK REDUX: The Sinister World of David Ferrie by John Craig; Timothy Leary, the Unpublished Steamshovel Press Interview; Caries, Cabals and Correspondence; Reviews of the new conspiracy literature; Things Are Gonna Slide; The University and the Ghetto Mind by Roy Lisker; Letter from the UK by Robin Ramsay; and Report from Iron Mountain Meets The Protocols of the Elders of Zion by Uri Dowbenko. Order from Steamshovel Press.

Steamshovel Press #14

Steamshovel Press #14 contains: Paranoid/Paranoia: Media Buzzwords To Silence The Politically Incorrect by Alan Cantwell, Jr. MD; The Only Honest Judge: An Interview with John Judge by Kenn Thomas; Millenial Angst of Elizabeth Clare Prophet by Chris Roth; MADE Manifesto by Roy Lisker; Kecksberg UFO by G. J. Krupey; Jim Keith on Oklahoma City; The Conspiracy Conspiracy; new conspiracy books reviewed; Things Are Gonna Slide! Now thisis an actual issue, in magazine format, and it's available from Steamshovel Press.

"There are a lot of great conspiracy zines out there nowadays, but this one remains the most sought out, the most relevant, and the scariest." --Qvimby's Qveer Store Magalog III

"...required reading for conspiracy lovers of all stripes. Steamshovel addresses so many conspiracies from so many angles, each issue becomes a treasure trove of hidden information."--Outposts

"...prying loose little known details out of events we think we know all about. "--Leading Edge

"Good reading!"--Saucer Smear

"...plows through the corporate media's Big Lie and helps keep truth alive and respectable. One of the most thoroughly documented periodicals you will find, this no-bullshit magazine doesn't have much of a doctrine to push, just the facts."--Mess Age