Readers can point and click on the covers of back issues 5-12, or on the 
numeric title list (which also includes issue #4) below the covers, and view 
the contents page of each issue. Point and  click on the highlighted article 
on each contents page for a longer look at one of the articles in that issue.

For information on Steamshovel Press  subscriptions and back issues,
contact editor Kenn Thomas at

Photo list:

1. Where: Above. LBJ gets winked, 11/22/63.
2. Where: Issue #6, "An Interview With Deborah Davis"
    JFK and Mary Pinchot Meyer from September 1963.
    Davis discusses the Meyer/Kennedy relationship. This 
    image, a detail from a photo of JFK's visit to the home of
    Meyer's parents in Milford, PA, was published for the
    the first time on the cover of Steamshovel Press #10.
3.Where: Bottom of the contents page for Steamshovel #10.
    Color photos of JFK and Mary Meyer leaving Air Force
    helicopters for the Milford visit. These appeared in black
    white on the cover of Steamshovel Press #11 but have 
    never been published in full color.
4. Where: Issue #11, "Sherman Skolnick Sounds Off!"
    Police attempt to hoist Sherman Skolnick into a paddy
    wagon, from the 8/29/69 edition of Time.
