Some points to points to ponder

weak keys

Semi weak keys

The main disadvantage of DES is the Key size because the key size is only 56 bits and this DES can be vulnerable to atacks and they can break the Key by Brute force in order to improve this they have deveoped 2-DES and 3-DES

Multiple DES


Triple DES(3 DES)

In cryptography,Triple DES is the common name for the Triple Data Encryption Algorithm(TDEA or Triple DEA) block cipher,which applies the Data encryption Standard(DES) cipher algorithm three times data block

The original DES cipher's key size of 56 bits was generally sufficient when that algorithm was designed,but the availability of increasing computational power made Brute Force Attacks feasible.Triple DES provides a relatively simple method of increasing the key size of DES to product against such attacks,with ut the need to design a completely new block algorithm

The next stage of 3-DES is AES

Advanced Encryption Standard

Brute force attack