How far is it from Chestnut and 11th to Locust and 9th?
"As the crow flies?"
"As the man walks?"
The "locations" we are looking at are the street intersections.
The distance number of city blocks one has to walk from to
Chestnut and11th , Locust and 9th
Definition: Given an alphabet of symbols , and two strings and , of equal length, where ,
we define the Hamming Distance to be the number of positions in which they differ.
More formally.
If ,
If and , of equal length, where ,
Metric Properties:
For all , , and :
Assume is the alphabet of code symbols to be transmitted and the valid code words , , are all of the same length.
For example: in ASCII and consists of 8 bit strings where the 8th bit is an odd or even parity bit.
Making the artificial assumption that a transmitted code word can have at most 1 error:
Assuming the Hamming Distance between valid code words is at least 2:
Transmission errors can be detected by checking the string received against the valid codes.
If the string agrees with a valid code then that was the string that was transmitted.
If it
differs by 1 from a valid code then there was a transmission
Assuming the Hamming Distance between valid code words is at least 3:
Transmission errors can be corrected by checking the string received against the valid codes.
If the string agrees with a valid code then that was the code word that was transmitted.
If it
differs by 1 from a valid code then that was the code word that was
transmitted since it cannot differ by 1 from another valid code.
The Calculation:
Suppose differs by 1 from two valid code words and :
But if ,
But the assumption is that