
Definition: A Cryptosystem has five elements MATH where:

  1. $\QTR{Large}{P,C,K}$ are finite sets:

  2. A message is a string of plain text symbols.MATH

  3. MATH is called the Encryption Function.MATH

  4. MATH is called the Decryption Function.MATH

  5. For each MATH, there exists a key MATH such that for any MATH


Definition: A cryptosystem is called symmetric or private key if $\QTR{Large}{d\ }$can be computed fromMATHby a simple computation, for example MATH.

A private key cryptosystem would be used to exchange messages under the assumption that those exchanging messages could encode and decode all communications using the private key

$\QTR{Large}{e}$ and hence $\QTR{Large}{d}$.

Definition: A cryptosystem is called asymmetric or public key if MATH, and computing $\QTR{Large}{d}$ from $\QTR{Large}{e}$ is computationally intractable, or at least very difficult.

A public key cryptosystem would be used for one way communication. $\QTR{Large}{e}$ would be made public and would be used to encode messages and then communicate them to the holder of $\QTR{Large}{d.}$

A typical use of a public key cryptosystem might be a Bank receiving information over the internet.


The Caesar Shift - A (Not So Private) Example of a Private Key:


The Hill Cipher - A Much Better but not "Perfect" Example of a Private Key:MATH


Perfect Secrecy:


We are given a Cryptosystem MATHand probability distributions MATHand MATH

Moreover, we assume that the distributions of $\QTR{Large}{P}$ and $\QTR{Large}{K}$ are independent, MATH.

Hence we can compute MATH


  1. MATH, MATH, the key set and cipher sets are the same size.

  2. The distribution MATHis uniform, for all $\QTR{Large}{j}$ , MATH

  3. The equation MATHhas a unique solution for all $\QTR{Large}{i}$ , $\QTR{Large}{l}$ , given MATH and MATHthere is a unique MATH such that MATH.MATH




A Cryptosystem MATH has perfect secrecy if for any MATHand MATH MATH

The probability that $\QTR{Large}{s}$ was the source symbol given that it was encoded as $\QTR{Large}{e}$ is the same as the probability that $\QTR{Large}{s}$ was the source symbol. Someone intercepting the code can't use it to infer the original text.


The Vernam One-Time Pad:

MATH, where stands for vector (bit-wise) addition.


Using the One-Time Pad:

As an example, let $\QTR{Large}{n=8\ }$.


The Enigma Machine Revisited:


$\QTR{Large}{P=C=}${A ,B,....Z} MATH{0,1,....25}MATH