[siegelj@voyager omp]$info

Thread 0 getting environment info...
Number of processors = 2
Number of threads = 6
Max threads = 6
In parallel? = 1
Dynamic threads enabled? = 0
Nested parallelism supported? = 0

[siegelj@voyager omp]$omp_hello

Hello World from thread = 0
Number of threads = 6
Hello World from thread = 4
Hello World from thread = 3
Hello World from thread = 1
Hello World from thread = 2
Hello World from thread = 5

[siegelj@voyager omp]$omp_reduction

   Sum = 30.000000

[siegelj@voyager omp]$ pimonte_omp

Enter the number of iterations used to estimate pi: 6000000
The current date/time is: Sat Apr 14 12:49:55 2007
 thread 3 just did iteration 3999999 the count is 785072
 thread 2 just did iteration 2999999 the count is 786073
 thread 0 just did iteration 999999 the count is 785127
 thread 5 just did iteration 5999999 the count is 784872
 thread 1 just did iteration 1999999 the count is 784950
 thread 4 just did iteration 4999999 the count is 785257
The current date/time is: Sat Apr 14 12:50:01 2007
 the total count is 4711351
# of trials= 6000000 , estimate of pi is 3.1409 
[siegelj@voyager omp]$