Any n-cube is compact.


A closed n-cube in MATHcan be described by a pair MATH where MATH is the "$\QTR{Large}{0}$-th" corner and $\QTR{Large}{b}$ MATH is the length of a side. For example if MATH then the corners of the closed square are MATH

Using this notation, one can define a subdivision process that corresponds to bisecting and interval. Below, we only give the details for the square.


  1. Given a closed square MATH in MATH we can subdivide it into 4 closed squares of area MATH . In our notation the squares are: MATH

  2. In the obvious way, one can also define a notion of a closed square MATH nested in a closed square MATH. Note that each of the subsquares MATH in 1. of are nested in MATH.


Let MATH be an countable sequence of nested closed squares, then MATH


If MATH one argues that we have sequences

MATH MATH ...$\QTR{Large}{\ }$bounded above by MATH


MATH MATH ... ...$\QTR{Large}{\ }$bounded above by MATH

Hence each sequence has a least upper bound.

Letting MATH be the pair. One argues as before that MATH since all the squares are closed sets.