An equivalence relation on a set is a binary relation , denoted by the symbol "", such that for all
(Symmetry) if then
(Transitivity) if and then
On , let if
Let and be any to sets. Let be any function. For let if
Note that any equivalence relation can be considered as generated by a function onto the set of "equivalences classes."
Let be a family of topological spaces indexed by. We consider the unlying sets to be "implicitly" disjoint, in particular we consider
for ( Let to be the set of pairs )
is defined to be the disjoint union of the underlying sets. The topology on is defined as the finest topology on X for which all injections
are continuous. is open if and only if is open for all .
Given a topological space , a point set , and a function which is onto, we define a topology on , called the quotient topology under , by defining to be open in the quotient topology if is open in .
We can also consider the quotient topology to be the "largest" topology (most open sets) for which is continuous.