"One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, the Cretians are always liars, evil beasts, slow bellies. This testimony is true."
Titus 1:12-14 (King James Version)
A paradox is a statement or group of statements that lead to a logical self-contradiction. For example,
() The next bulleted statement is a lie.
() The previous bulleted statement is true.
There is a barber who lives on an island. The barber shaves all those men who live on the island who do not shave themselves, and only those men.
Does the barber shave himself?
If the barber shaves himself then he is a man on the island who shaves himself hence he, the barber, does not shave himself. If the barber does not shave himself then he is a man on the island who does not shave himself hence he, the barber, shaves him(self).
This is not actually a paradox.
Consider the proposition Shave(x,y) which is true if x shaves y and false if x does not shave y. We can restate the proposition as:
x y (Shave(x,y) Shave(y,y))
There exists an x such that for every y, x shaves y iff y does not shave y.
Suppose this proposition were true. Let b be the x whose existance is hypothesized. thus
y (Shave(b,y) Shave(y,y))
Since this holds for all y it holds for yb. So
Shave(b,b) Shave(b,b)
Hence one may hypothesize that the proposition is false. It is worth checking that this hypothesis does not also lead to a contradiction.
(x y (Shave(x,y) Shave(y,y)))
x(( y (Shave(x,y) Shave(y,y)))
x y (Shave(x,y) Shave(y,y))
Which is no problem since if for any x if we chose yx it is certainly the case that
(Shave(x,x) Shave(x,x))
For any meaning of Shave(x,x).
Given any set ,there is no onto map .
Proof A:(A diagonal argument)
Let . Since is onto there is some with .
As usual, by definition if then and if then .
Proof B:( yet another diagonal argument. This is just a disguised version of A.)
Let 0,1. Let be the set of all maps from to . There is an obvious 1 to 1 onto map Specifically,
1 . Hence we need to show that for any set ,there is no onto map .
Suppose there was such a map. Define by the formula
The rest of the proof is standard. Suppose there was some such that Compute
On the other hand, by definition
Proof C:( A fixed point theorem version of the same thing )
We first prove the following lemma, which is really a generalization of B.
Lemma : For sets and , suppose there exists an onto map , then every self-map has a fixed point.
Consider the "evaluation" map defined by the formula
Like in B, above define by the formula
Again, since is onto there is some such that
We have
on the other hand, by definition,
Thus is a fixed point for
Now, to complete the proof of 9.4, Let 0,1 and note that has a fixed point free self-map. In particular, let be define by the formula
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