TPL - The T Programming Language


Review: The Formal Definition of a Turing Machine:

A (PDA) is a 7-tuple

MATH, where


The TPL Grammar is:

MATH0$\QTR{Large}{|}$ 1$\QTR{Large}{|}$ .... $\QTR{Large}{|}$8 $\QTR{Large}{|}$9

MATH L$\QTR{Large}{|}$ R


MATHQaccept$\ \QTR{Large}{|}$ Qreject

//read the letter Q followed by one or more digits or "accept", or "reject."

//We will use the "MATH" to denote a "transition state."


//We will use the "MATH" to denote an "input symbol."


//We will use the "MATH" to denote a "tape symbol".



//We will use the "MATH" to denote a "transition".

A TPL Program consists of:

  1. A finite set of transition states, including Q0 ,$\QTR{Large}{\ }$Qaccept$\ $, and Qreject .

  2. A finite set of tape symbols , including MATH

  3. The directions L and R.

  4. A finite set of transitions statisfying the Turing Machine transition function condition with respect to 1. and 2. .


Note That:

One Can :