Notes on Nondeterministic Finite Automata

The Definition: If one thinks of an automaton as "a machine or control mechanism designed to follow automatically a predetermined sequence of operations or respond to encoded instructions" a Nondeterministic Finite Automaton is not an automaton at all! However, a Nondeterministic Finite Automaton can be thought of as a DFA with three defining requirements relaxed: Specifically:

  1. We allow the possibility that the transition function is not single-valued.

  2. We allow the possibility that the transition function is not defined for a given state-symbol pair.

  3. We add a special symbol MATH which can be thought of as "transition without reading a symbol."

From the point of view of Language Recognition an NDFA is not a generalization in the sense that every Language that is recognized by an NDFA can be recognized by an appropriate DFA. We will give evidence of this by indicating the appropriate modifications for the first example of a NDFA in Sipser. Before starting, it is worth noting that the reason for introducing NDFAs is that in certain important ways they are easier to work. In particular, it is "easier" to construct NDFAs out of components such as in the forthcoming proof that the class of Regular Languages is closed under concatination.


The Example:




Eliminating MATH :





Completing the partial transition function by adding a "black hole":



Making the transition function single valued by adding states corresponding to ALL of the subsets of the set of states:
