Computer Science 4740/5740
High Performance Computing

The Text:         Using MPI (3nd Edition)

Authors:          William Gropp, Ewing Lusk, Anthony Skjellum
Publisher:        Scientific and Enginering Computation,  The MIT Press

Development Environments:

  1. Off Campus Work (Windows):
  2. The Course Development Environment:
  3. Notes


  1. Professor William Gropp's Text Web Site can be found at In particular, Example Programs can be found on this site. He has also been kind enough to allow me to point to, and use, material from his Designing and Building Applications for Extreme Scale Systems course site.
  2. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's MPI tutorial and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's OMP tutorial
    Authored by Blaise Barney.
    Besides tutorials and discussions of other parallel programming development environments, there is a very useful reference for The MPI API.


  1. Reading Assignment 1:
        For next class, Chapter l of the text. Also note the Glossary of Selected Terms beginning on page 263.
  2. Reading Assignment 2:
        For next class, Chapter 2 of the text.
  3. Assignment 1:
  4. Reading Assignment 3:
        Chapter 3 of the text. Using MPI in Simple Programs
  5. Assignment 2:
  6. Reading Assignment 4:
        Chapter 4 of the text Intermediate MPI, focus on the material starting with 4.2. And Chapter 5 of the text Fun with Datatypes
  7. Assignment 3:
  8. Assignment 4:


  1. SciTE code editor
  2. WinSCP