The Setting

Chapter 1 (Power Point)      Chapter 1 (PDF)

Web Applications

(We will be thinking of Tomcat "webapps")


An Aside - Model View Controller An Aside - High Performance Computing

Some Terminology

  1. Web Applications - Applications that are, all or in part, downloaded from the Web each time they are run.
  2. A Process can be thought of as a running instance of a program. Simplifying, when you open, say, a browser the operating system creates a Process, displaying the browser's Home Page. A good working point of view is that Processes do not share resources. When a file is open in one Process it is locked and cannot be modified by other Processes running on the operating system. One codicil is that operating system resources for communication between processes are in general available.
  3. A Thread is a path of execution within a process. They are subject to process-like operating system time sharing constraints. A Process can contain multiple Threads. The critical difference between a Thread and a Process is that Threads of a given Process share resources. They can read from and write to the same data structures and variables, facilitating communication between them.
    Threaded Process Design Issues