Class Notes

Some Notes

  1. web.xml - Remember to go to WEB-INF and touch web.xml after modifying a .java file and recompiling it or making other changes in your webapp. We will have a more complete discussion on deploying webapps
  2. bash and Directory setup notes.
  3. "cd tomcat" vs. "gotoTom" a directory name issue.
    When you do either you go to the same directory. However the directory name is computed differently.
    [j-siegel@hoare7 ~]$ pwd
    [j-siegel@hoare7 ~]$ cd tomcat
    [j-siegel@hoare7 tomcat]$ pwd
    [j-siegel@hoare7 tomcat]$ ls W*
    Whoisit.html  WhoJSP.html
    classes  lib  myothertags.tld  mytags.tld  web.xml
    [j-siegel@hoare7 ~]$ pwd
    [j-siegel@hoare7 ~]$ gotoTom
    [j-siegel@hoare7 j-siegel]$ pwd
    [j-siegel@hoare7 j-siegel]$ ls W*
    Whoisit.html  WhoJSP.html
    classes  lib  myothertags.tld  mytags.tld  web.xml
    [j-siegel@hoare7 j-siegel]$   
  4. Bytes2Hex
  5. student_types

Other Notes

  1. The Course Context
  2. Line Breaks
  3. Using log()
  4. Assignment 2
  5. Assignment 3
  6. The Bonus Assignment - The Details
  7. The MidTerm
  8. The End_Of_Semester Exam.
  9. The Semester Project
  10. The Church-Turing Thesis (1936-1940)
  11. Moving webapp s

  13. Node.js vs. Tomcat/Java
    • Tomcat is a Web Server for Java-Based Web Applications.
    • Node.js is a Runtime Environment for Javascript Applications, usually functioning as Servers.

The Text

  1. Chapters 1 and 2 provide a good complementary treatment of the material in Overview.
  2. Chapter 4 provides a quick review of HTML and CSS.
  3. Chapter 5 is a good first reference for understanding Servlets.
  4. Chapter 6 and 8-10 cover various Java Server Page technologies.
  5. Chapters 11 and 12 cover MySQL and using jdbc. In particular, using the MySQL Workbench, which I will not cover.


  1. Magic Values

    CAFEBABE is what Tomcat was looking for.

    What Tomcat found was a source file I renamed.

  2. Truncated class file