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Saturday, March 7, 2020

The Missouri Junior Academy of Science (MJAS) is a state-wide program that is a division of the Missouri Academy of Science (MAS) https://www.moacademysci.org/junior-academy/ . The MJAS is divided into seven regions. Region 7 is sponsored by the University of Missouri - St. Louis and serves the metropolitan St. Louis area, as well as Jefferson, Lincoln, St. Charles and St. Louis counties.

The MJAS believes that students should have the opportunity to experience the scientific enterprise in its totality - from questioning and seeking solutions to sharing those findings with others. In other words, do authentic science so that they get a functional understanding of science and develop a facility for the processes of inquiry and discovery so that they can accurately convey and effectively use scientific information.

The mission of the MJAS is to enhance the understanding and augment the application of the processes of science, technology, engineering and mathematics through real-life research experiences and sharing those experiences with peers and mentors.

Goals include:

  • Support experiences in scientific research design, experimentation and evaluation;

  • Foster technical writing and oral presentation of scientific papers;

  • Facilitate the development of skills appropriate for the professional and intellectual interactions, cooperation and leadership;

  • Provide participants with the opportunity to interact with peers of similar academic and career interests, reinforcing their goals and achievements; and

  • Recognize and reward students for STEM academic pursuits and achievements.