My Additional Goals: While the experience gained from an internship is important, I believe
that the student must reflect on the experience in an academic fashion prior to receiving academic credit. In particular,
the student gains perspective on how this has helped him or her understand the field better and
how generalizable the activities of the specific company are to the industry as a whole.
The student must report on how the experience has changed his or her view of the field:
- ·what specific information has the student learned that was not included in the curriculum,
- ·how might that experience be incorporated into the curriculum
- ·how did the academic experience gained at the University help with regard to the internship.
Furthermore, the student must report on how the experience in that specific company compares to what he or she would have seen in other companies. This must be
completed as library work. The student must document how similar or different the company's efforts are to others in the field and how the efforts
contribute to the company's business and/or technology plan.
Generally the first of these requirements is met by keeping a daily or weekly log of activities and
reflections on those activities.
Generally the second of these requirements is met with a substantative paper (at least ten pages) at the
end of the internship.
This log and this paper will be provided to the instructor in both electronic form and in hard copy.
At the end of the semester, the student will provide written transfer of copyright for both documents to
the instructor so she may share the documents as appropriate.
Exams: Generally, there will be no exams.
Grading Policy: Generally, the log and the paper would receive equal weight
in determining the grade. The rating of the supervisor of the internship will also be considered
when determining grade.
Drop Policy: For the purposes of this policy, the "effective drop date" is the date which I am
informed of the drop or the actual date of the drop, which ever is later. Students can and may inform me
by leaving me a note in my mailbox, leaving me a message (on voice mail or email) or by speaking to me
in person or over the telephone.
A student may drop this class until the University mandated drop date deadline. During the period the University
specifies as dropping without receiving a grade, the student will simply be withdrawn from the class. After that time, however, a student will receive either a passing grade
(excused) or a failing grade (F) depending upon his or her performance (current grade) as per the specified requirements.
A student may not withdraw from this class after the University mandated drop date deadline.
Academic Honesty: According to the University Standard of Conduct, Section 6.0101,
The Board of Curators recognizes that academic honesty is essential for the intellectual life
of the University. Faculty members have a special obligation to expect high standards of
academic honesty in all student work. Students have a special obligation to adhere to such
standards. |
For the purposes of this class, cheating will include: plagiarism (using the writings of another without
proper citation), copying of another (either current or past student's work), working with another on
individually assigned work or exams, unauthorized marking on a graded paper or exam, or in any other
way presenting as one's own work that which is not entirely one's own work. Further definitions and clarifications can be found in the University guidelines.
Any student who is caught cheating on any assignment or exam will receive a grade of zero (0) for that
assignment or exam. Further, a recommendation will be made to the appropriate university officials that
additional disciplinary action be taken.