Information Systems College of Business Administration University of Missouri - St. Louis

Automating Functions-JavaScript

| JavaScript Help | Using Javascript with Forms | JavaScript for Documenting Web pages | JavaScript Examples |

JavaScript Help
JavaScript for Beginners
JavaScript Tutorial
Thau's JavaScript Tutorial
JavaScript Sample Code's Javascript Help Page
A Beginner's Guide to JavaScript
Debugging JavaScript
Coffee Cup JavaScript Tools
Javascript Source
Advanced DHTML, JavaScript (walterzorn)
W3Schools Javascript Tutorial
WiFi Planet

A list of the available special characters is available on WebMonkey.

JavaScript for use with forms
Checking text validity
Registering date form completed

JavaScript for documenting web pages

Basic JavaScript Examples

Writing to the screen
The code

Prompt for Information, and Write to the Screen
The code

An alternative approach from Chris Ruck
that includes data checking

<script language="JavaScript">

function showname()
name = prompt("Enter Your Name","");
while (name == "" || name == "null")
name = prompt("Enter Your Name","");
return name;


<body bgcolor="gray">
<h1>Welcome to The Computer Purchase Helper</h1>

<script language="JavaScript">


An Alternative from Sean Dulle
also including data checking


<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
reader = prompt("Please enter your name","");
if (!reader) {
reader = "Guest";
document.write("Welcome: <font class='guest'>" + reader + "</font>");

Choice plus Message Box
The code

Choice plus New Screen Load
The code

Open New Window
The code

OnLoad and OnUnload Example
The code

OnLoad Example with variables
The code

Another OnLoad Example with variables
The code

On Mouseover Example
The code

Windowing Example
The code | Second page code | Third page code |
A better example of checking for the browser type is available on WebMonkey.

A Database Example - Query
The code

A Database Example - Multiple Field Query
The code

A Database Example - Selective Query
The code

A Database Example - From a Form Input
The code

A Database Example - Inserting into the Table
The code

A Database Example - Inserting from a Form
The code, including addrecord.cfm and insert_complete.html.

A Database Example - Deleting from the Table
The code

A Database Example - Deleting from a Form
The code, including deleterecord.cfm

A Calculator Example
The code

Graphical Rollover Example
The code

New rollover example
The code

Create Bar Charts
The code

Bar Charts with Variables
The code

From other sites
Cost-benefit Calculator

Launching Other Programs
The code

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This page was last modified on: 03/28/2011 18:45:12
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