Information Systems College of Business Administration University of Missouri - St. Louis

Links to HTML Help

| Background | Styles & Content | Tools | Creating Pages | Graphics | Utilities | JavaScript | Accounts | More Info |

The Building Blocks of a Website -- A Guide for Kids and Teens
Internet Basics
School of Business: Understanding and Building WWW Pages
Yahoo! World Wide Web
Yahoo! Computers and the Internet
Yahoo! World Wide Web
Internet Searches
Web advertising that actually works


Styles and Content

Web-Dev-Bookmarks: maxi edition
Web Delivery Standards from the National Cancer Institute
Berkeley's Evaluating Web Sites
Yale CAIM Style Guide
Composing Good HTML
Issues of Design Practice
The Non-Typographer's Guide to Practical Typeface Selection



Google Websites
A Guide to Website Hosting for Kids & Teens
HotDog from Sausage Software, Inc.
Web-Dev-Bookmarks: maxi edition


Creating Web Pages

An HTML Primer
HTML Goodies
HyperText Markup Language
HTML Refernce Library
HTML Tags: The Reference
Web Reference
Web-Dev-Bookmarks: maxi edition


Graphics and Images




JavaScript: See Sauter's JavaScript links.


Web Accounts at UMSL
UM-St. Louis Student Gateway
FTP Help


More Information

Suggestions from Martha Edwards in her talk to the St. Louis Web Developers Group
To begin to write XHTML, I believe it is necessary only to write "well-formed" HTML, making sure everything is properly nested, that all tags are closed, that sort of thing. (Tags with no closing tag are closed with a space and a forward slash, like this: <br /> <img src="" /> <hr /> etc.) The materials on the New York Library Style Guide ( should go most of the way.

There is a great CSS guidebook you can download from It costs $19.99 but it's electronic, searchable and very complete.

And, of course, I'd read everything on A List Apart. Here's a link to all the articles: I particularly recommend

EDUCOM PUBLISHES STANDARDS FOR DIGITAL LABELS: Educom has devised a set of digital labels, called metatags, that can be embedded in educational documents, making it easier for search engines to find them on the Web. The metatag specifications are posted on the Instructional Management Systems Web site, and documents containing metatags will provide information about the page's contents, its title and publisher, and when it became available online, among other things. The tags could also include information such as whether a license is required to use a particular software program. The introduction of metatags will enable computer companies to build educational software around a common labeling standard. (Chronicle of Higher Education 10 Apr 98)

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