Information Systems College of Business Administration University of Missouri - St. Louis

Scrolling Text Marquee

This text appears above the marquee.
This text appears below the marquee.

The following code should be inserted into the HEAD of the page:


message = "This is a scrolling marquee message.";
initial_delay = 0;
scroll_delay = 75;
max_indent = 50;

function scroll ()
message = message . substring (1, message . length)
+ message . substring (0, 1);
document . scrollbox_form . scrollbox . value = message;
window . setTimeout ("scroll ()", scroll_delay);

function start_scroll ()
for (var i = 1; i <= max_indent; i ++)
message = " " + message;
scrollbox = document . scrollbox_form . scrollbox;
window . setTimeout ("scroll ()", initial_delay);


The following code should be inserted into the BODY of the page:

This text appears above the marquee.

<form name=scrollbox_form>
<input type=text name=scrollbox size=25>

This text appears below the marquee.

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This page was last modified on: 08/13/2001 03:48:57
Page Owner: Professor Sauter (