MSIS 488 Term Paper

New Technology Process

          A process known as NTP (New Technology Process) is the mechanism that new technologies, those that have not been previously identified as needed on the architecture plans, are introduced into the organization.

          NTP is a process by which a customer group or a member of the IT organization recognizes the need for a piece of technology that is not currently being used. A NTP committee is formed with the relevant technical architects and business managers. This committee then reviews any current technology to see if it can meet the requirements. If not, a RFP (Request for Proposal) is sent out to potential vendors. The committee then selects the best vendor to meet the strategic needs of the company as well as the business needs. Now, this particular piece of technology is added to the list of “green” items (see Enterprise Architecture Stoplights) to be used by other business units. Design and implementation are not part of the NTP, it is merely a formal process for getting new technology into the company. This way, individual business units are not pursuing the same technology, unaware of each other. By including the proper technical architects on the team, assurance is made that the product chosen will not conflict with existing architectural plans.

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