Decision Support Systems For Business Intelligence
    by Vicki L. Sauter

Table 1: Properties of the Object "Window" (and sub-objects) available in HTML and XML*

closed                         Returns whether or not a window has been closed   
defaultStatus             Sets or returns the default text in the statusbar of the window document    
body               Gives direct access to the <body> element                                       
cookie             Sets or returns all cookies associated with the current document    
domain           Returns the domain name for the current document            
lastModified   Returns the date and time a document was last modified    
referrer           Returns the URL of the document that loaded the current document          
title                  Returns the title of the current document      
URL                Returns the URL of the current document    
length             Returns the number of elements in the history list
length             Sets or returns the number of frames in the window            
hash                Sets (or returns)  the URL from the hash sign (#)     
host                Sets (or returns)  the hostname and port number of the current URL                      
hostname       Sets (or returns)  the hostname of the current URL  
href                 Sets (or returns)  the entire URL       
pathname       Sets (or returns)  the path of the current URL           
port                 Sets (or returns)  the port number of the current URL          
protocol         Sets (or returns)  the protocol of the current URL     
search            Sets (or returns)  the URL from the question mark (?)                     
name               Sets (or returns)  the name of the window    
opener            Returns a reference to the window that created the window            
outerHeight   Sets (or returns)  the outer height of a window         
outerWidth     Sets (or returns)  the outer width of a window           
pageXOffset Sets (or returns)  the X position of the current page in relation to the upper left corner of a window's display area    
pageYOffset Sets (or returns)  the Y position of the current page in relation to the upper left corner of a window's display area    
parent             Returns the parent window    
personalbar   Sets whether or not the browser's personal bar (or directories bar) should be visible              
scrollbars       Sets whether or not the scrollbars should be visible                            
self                  Returns a reference to the current window   
status             Sets the text in the statusbar of a window     
statusbar        Sets whether or not the browser's statusbar should be visible                                    
toolbar            Sets whether or not the browser's tool bar is visible or not                 
top                  Returns the topmost ancestor window

*Adapted from W3 Schools,

   This page was last modified on: 01/24/2011 19:48:32
   Page Owner: Professor Sauter (Vicki.Sauter AT