Decision Support Systems For Business Intelligence
    by Vicki L. Sauter

Codebox 5.4
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<title>JavaScript Examples</title>
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   function CheckLease();
   if (Form.tenure.value == "1-4years")
         //the window.blur command takes the user's attention from the current screen
         //this will have the effect of moving the user's attention to the new window that
         //is being opened
     myWindow = ("inquire_lease.html","new_question",
        " location=no,toolbar=no,directories=no,menubar=no,status=no,scrollbars=no,focus=yes,
         height=400,width=175,top=50, left=400 ")

<body text="#000080" vlink="#000080" background="graphics/background2.gif" link="#000080">
<center><big>Window Open</big></center>

<cfform name="example_input_a" method="post" datasource="#d_oracle#" username="#u_oracle#" password="#p_oracle#" DEBUG>
     How long do you expect to keep this vehicle?<br>
         <cfinput type="radio" name="tenure" value="1-4years">1-4 years<br>
         <cfinput type="radio" name="tenure" value="morethan4years">more than 4 years<p>
     Do you prefer a new vehicle?<br>
         <cfinput type="radio" name="newcarflag" value="yes"
             OnClick="CheckLease(); return false;">Yes<br>
         <cfinput type="radio" name="newcarflag" value="no">No<br>
         <cfinput type="radio" name="newcarflag" value="idontknow">I don't know<br>
     <p align=right>
     <input name="submit" type="submit" value="Start the Search!">

<script language="JavaScript">
     // This automatically updates the last modified date for the page.
     when = document.lastModified
     document.write("This page was last modified on: " + when + "<br>")
     // This automatically updates the location documentation on the page.
     where = document.location
     document.write("URL: " + where)

   This page was last modified on: 01/24/2011 19:47:04
   Page Owner: Professor Sauter (Vicki.Sauter AT