Decision Support Systems For Business Intelligence
    by Vicki L. Sauter

Design Insights: Perception of Information
If our mind allowed all of these signals from our environment to reach our consciousness, we would be unable to process information. To obtain a physical representation of how difficult it would be to perceive the meaning of stimuli, listen to the Holiday Symphony by Charles Ives. In that symphony, Ives' goal was to bring together all of the stimuli perceived by a young boy at a celebration in a small town. In one movement, "Decoration Day," Ives begins with the music that might have been heard in a New England town celebrating Memorial Day in the early twentieth century. Of course, there is music from the bands. However, Ives intersperses sounds remembered by a small boy, such as the church bell ringing, errors made by musicians, and the sounds of soldiers mourning the loss of their comrades . Once listeners have taken the time to identify the individual components, they can appreciate the music and its meaning. If listeners do not take that time, the music appears to be nothing more than the random clashing of sounds. That is, without direction, it is difficult to identify patterns in the activities that lead to the music.
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