Decision Support Systems For Business Intelligence
    by Vicki L. Sauter

DSS in Action: Finding an Expert
Illumino, formerly a product of Tacit Software, is a passive tool that might be used to find an expert on a topic of interest to a decision maker. Groups are created, perhaps organizationally, or around particular products or industries. The Illumino product then watches what information you seek and share to develop a profile of an individual’s expertise. When another person needs help, he or she sends out a message for help. Illumino looks at the individual expertise profiles to determine who is best suited to answer the question and poses it to that person. The designated expert may choose to ignore the question, answer the question or reject the request. If the question is ignored or rejected, Illumino goes to the next most highly rated expert for an answer. The process is repeated until the question gets answered. What is unique about Illumino is that the person posing the question does not know to whom the request is sent or in what order. That person only knows someone is considered an expert if he or she responds to the question. Using the product in this way allows those who need expertise to find it without causing significant disruption to his or her colleagues.
   This page was last modified on: 01/24/2011 19:45:09
   Page Owner: Professor Sauter (Vicki.Sauter AT