Decision Support Systems For Business Intelligence
    by Vicki L. Sauter

Table 2: Possible Standards for Groupware Products

•  the multi-vendor scheduling standard should support transparent scheduling for all store-and-forward messaging transports, as well as via real-time network protocols

•  the standard should include hooks into shared X.500 directory services, as well as proprietary e-mail, groupware and network operating system directories

•  the standard should support the calendar synchronization policies maintained by various scheduling tools

•  the standard should support interfaces to multi-vendor network-enabled project planning and management tools

•  the standard should allow users to control who may access their personal calendars, what fields may be viewed and modified, and what types of events may be scheduled without the owner’s prior consent

•  the standard should mediate between the various techniques used by scheduling tools to request meetings, negotiate meeting times and places, and reconcile conflicting schedules.

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   Page Owner: Professor Sauter (Vicki.Sauter AT