Decision Support Systems For Business Intelligence
    by Vicki L. Sauter

DSS in Action -- Greeting Cards
Hallmark, the 100 year old greeting card company, has used data mining to improve the effectiveness of direct marketing campaigns for its best customers. The company collects point-of-sales data, information about loyalty card holders and information obtained from the customers themselves to understand how and to what the customers respond. The analysis, which utilizes three years of data at the UPC (product) level for individual customers, provides profiles that help Hallmark understand what products to market and at what time to market to individual customers. Further, these analyses help Hallmark understand which of its marketing campaigns are successful (or not) and where increased marketing would bring additional revenues.
   This page was last modified on: 01/24/2011 19:44:33
   Page Owner: Professor Sauter (Vicki.Sauter AT