Facebook IS Area Page
Wikipedia: Facebook
YouTube: The Truth about Facebook
Additional Facebook Resources
Official Facebook Blog
Inside Facebook Blog
Facebook Code of Conduct
YouTube: Facebook Documentary
YouTube: Facebook on 60 Minutes
YouTube: Facebook on 60 Minutes - 2
YouTube: The Facebook Skit
Comparing Fan Pages to Groups
How to Create a Fan Page and some Applications
Advice about Facebook
Facebook Features
Criticisms of Facebook
Business Friendly Profile
Business Applications
32 Ways to Use Facebook for Business
12 Ways to Use Facebook Professionally
How many users of Facebook?
WSJ says: As of December 2009, there were over 350 million users
Official Statistics
Facebook which grabbed its 300 millionth user in September, 2009. It has captured 58.59% of all U.S. social network visits in October 2009, compared to 19.94% the year before.
In early in October, a study commissioned by Robert Half Technology, an IT staffing firm found 54% of U.S. companies say that they have banned workers from using social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and MySpace while on the job. The study also found that 19% of companies allow social networking use only for business purposes, while 16% allow limited personal use.
Example Uses
Daughter of ousted GM CEO takes revenge online
Facebook employed in search for missing Rockefeller
Auschwitz Museum embraces Facebook
Facebook and the 2008 Election
ABC News Joins Forces With Facebook
Phishing Scam Targeting Facebook Users
Lollapalooza.com -- link the Facebook group to the website
More than half of UK employers research job candidates online
How to decline Facebook friends without offence
Recommendations for Professional Use of Facebook
Create a Powerful Profile
Use the "about me" to describe your business or what you do
Use the information box to feature your website, blog or other resources
Build Your Contact List
Communicate with Wall Posts -- easily keep in contact with your colleagues
Update Your Status -- use it to share tips, promote events and even boost sales
Participate in Groups
Build Your Friends List -- use two way communication to build relationships
Create Fan Pages -- business or brand an identity on Facebook
Applications -- You can have developers build applications to help promote your business, or use one of the applications that is there
Advertising -- In addition to making your presence known by being there, Facebook has a powerful advertising engine that enables businesses to target ads to demographics
Polls -- You can get a quick answer to options you are considering, or just about the demographic ... good way to keep users engaged.
Facebook "connect" -- enables your website to easily integrate with Facebook. With Facebook Connect, webmasters can allow users to authenticate with their Facebook credentials, find friends who also use your site, and publish activity on your site through their Facebook feeds.
Build in Useful Applications
Google Calendar (public calendar)
Extended Information (extra fields to the information section)
My LinkedIn Profile (link either on the wall or in the boxes)
My Stuff: makes it easy easy to add content that contains embed code such as a video, or slideshow presentation
Networked Blogs:
FBML: allows greater customization of information
Events: advertise things happening in your business
Notes: allows you to write longer, more substantive pieces
Discussion Board
Facebook Group vs Facebook Fan Page: What's Better?
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