Chapter 7, Drill c: Drill, irregular verb eo.

For each form of eo or a compound, give the person and number requested, or infinitive.

adeo (you, singular) Answer: adis

1. eo (I)
2. redeo (you, singular)
3. adeo (she)
4. exeo (we)
5. abeo (you, plural)
6. ineo (they)
7. eo (infinitive)
8. adeo (you, singular)
9. exeo (he)
10. abeo (we)
11. ineo (you, plural)
12. eo (they)
13. exeo (I)
14. redeo (she)
15. eo (you, singular)
16. eo (he)
17. eo (we)
18. eo (you, plural)
19. adeo (we)
20. exeo (you plural)
21. abeo (infinitive)
22. exeo (infinitive)

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