Nathan defended his doctoral dissertation in March 2009 and is currently a Principal Data Scientist at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.
In addition to studies of neural synchronization in BOLD-fMRI imaging, Nathan's thesis research involved the development of computational models of species evolution and optimal animal foraging behavior. His papers on foraging and evolution include:
ND Dees, S Bahar, and F Moss. Stochastic resonance and the evolution of Daphnia foraging strategy. Physical Biology 5(4):44001, 2008.
ND Dees, S Bahar, R Garcia, and F Moss.Patch Exploitation in Two Dimensions: From Daphnia to Simulated Foragers.Journal of Theoretical Biology 252:69-76, 2008.
ND Dees, M Hofmann, and S Bahar. Physical constraints and the evolution of different foraging strategies in aquatic space. Animal Behaviour 73(3): 603–611, 2010.
ND Dees and S Bahar. Noise-Optimized Speciation in an Evolutionary Model. PLoS ONE 5(8): e11952, 2010.