The World As It Aught To Be: Focusing On What's Good
SPECIAL NOTE: These materials are presentred for the use of the students in my geography classes. Notice:  In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, these materials are distributed without profit for research and educational purposes only. If an author does object to having his/her material made available here, contact me at and the material will be removed.
Note:  All the news in the media isn't negative and depressing. Unfortunately the positive, uplifting stories rarely make it to the front pages or get much time radio or television.  This page will try to point the way toward seeing the positive things in the world. People who are hopeful and positive will act that way and every action does have an impact on the world. Individually, they may seem small; however, when millions of people act hopefully and positively, the effect is greatly multiplied.  We can overcome negbative, devisive, mean-spirited, and hurtful attitudes.
Articles - Mostly in MS Word or PDF
40 Sentences that are Important to Tell Your KidsChristians Helping Muslims in Gaza100-year-old couple on being married for 78 years A good assessment of India's pluralism by an Arab gentle manColombia house made from mud
GratitudeHow Jews and Christians in This Texas Town Are Helping Muslims Whose Mosque Burned DownLaudato si  Pope Francis' Encyclical on Climate ChangeLove Thy Neighbor - South Asia Christians Advocate for Rohingya MuslimsMuslims and Christians team up to help homeless
Muslims help with churchMuslims lend Christians hijabs to help them escape Isis in disguiseParadisePeculiar BenefitsPhilippine sectarian bloodshed unites Muslims and Christians
POPE issues calalog of virtues for church leadersPope on 2018Saudi Arabia Is ChangingScientists Accidentally Discover Efficient Process to Turn CO2 Into EthanolThe Ambulance Down in the Valley Joseph Malins
This 12,000-ton pile of orange peels is now a lush Costa Rican forestWisdom from the kite
Web Links

Global Good News
Something Good in the World

21 Good Things in Our Upside-Down World

A Lot of Good Things Happen

Read the Good News Online

national geographic what's right in the worldHuman Progress