Books Written by or Edited by Joe Naumann

Prayers, Poems, and Ponderings - Joe Naumann author
A book of prayer, poems, and reflections mostly written while on spiritual retreat at the White House Retreat House. The book is out of print now, but several copies are available through Amazon - I was surprised to see that.

White House Retreat has played a big role in my spiritual life and growth. Even though I'm an Episcopalian now, I still go there twice a year: in the late Spring, I make a 5-day private retreat and the in late summer (2nd weekend in August), I make a 3-day silent group retreat with a group I've been a part of for more than 35 years. If you are interested in making a retreat at this Jesuit retreat house (private retreats, men's retreats, women's retreats, and couples retreats) you can get information at
MS Word File

The Cost of Freedom - Joe Naumann editor
A book written by Homer Badgett, who was shot down behind German lines in France during World War II - well written and suspenseful. Talk about a life forming experience: Uncle Bus kept in touch with the French family and with his Army Air Corps comrades practically until the day he died. 
PDF File

Hello Neighbor - Joe Naumann editor
A book of poems written by Carrie Badgett - Joe Naumann's Grandmother-in-law. She had a large family and never had a lot of money; however, it is obvious that she had a very rich life. I never had the opportunity to meet Grandma Badgett, but in editing her poetry, I feel like I came to know and love her. Having the opportunity to gather her poems together and edit them was truly a great blessing.
PDF File

Additional Musings - Joe Naumann author

While house cleaning, I came upon some notes and musings written while on retreat at the White House some time in the past 4o years, I decided to format them and save them to share with others for whatever they may be worth. In my 76th year, I’m getting comfortable with entering what is probably the last chapter of my life. I have been so abundantly blessed in my life, much of it flowing from my times at White House Retreat, that there is little sadness in recognizing this transition in my state of being. If you read these few thoughts, musings, or ramblings, I hope and pray that you may receive at least some small blessing.

Proferssional Articles by Joe Naumann
  • “Letter Writing: Creative Vehicle to Higher-Level Thinking”  Social Education  

    Described a method that led average students through the research process and then develop a creative written project written in the first person to prevent blatant plagiarism. Hi-lighted students who displayed thinking levels that had not be in evidence in "traditional" classwork.

  • “Out-of-School Learning Class Proves Valuable”  NASSP Bulletin   

    Hi-lighted the successes of students in the Community Learning Program

  • “When the Community Becomes the Teaching Ground”   Educational Leadership   

    Described the benefits of the Community Learning Program at McCluer North High School.
