Original URL 4/21/1997: http://thomas.loc.gov/
[THOMAS:Legislative Information on the Internet]
[Clear] In the spirit of Thomas Jefferson, a service of the U.S. Congress through its Library.
[105th Congress-House Members]
[105th Congress-Senate Members] [Interested in participating in a survey of Government web sites?]

[Go To] [About THOMAS] [Congress This Week] [Bills] [Laws] [Congressional Record] [Committee Information] [Historical Documents] [The Legislative Process] [U.S. Government Internet Resources]

[Congress This Week]
Floor Activities - House and Senate
Major Legislation:
105th: By topic - By popular/short title - By bill number/type - Enacted into law
104th: By topic - By popular/short title - By bill number/type - Enacted into law
Bill Summary & Status: Congress: 105 (1997-98) - 104 (1995-96)
Bill Text: Congress: 105 (1997-98) - 104 (1995-96) - 103 (1993-94)
Public Laws By Law Number: 105 (1997-98) - 104 (1995-96)
[Congressional Record]
Congressional Record Text: Congress:
105 (1997-98) - 104 (1995-96) - 103 (1993-94)
Congressional Record Index: Congress and Session:
105 - 1st (1997) - 104 - 2nd (1996) - 104 - 1st (1995) - 103 - 2nd (1994)
[Committee Reports]
Committee Reports: Congress: 105 (1997-98) - 104 (1995-96)
Committee Home Pages: House - Senate

House Committee Schedules and Oversight Plans [new]
[Historical Documents]
Historical documents including the Declaration of Independence, the Federalist Papers, early Congressional documents (Constitutional Convention and Continental Congress broadsides), and the Constitution.
[The Legislative Process]
How Our Laws Are Made (Revised and updated by Charles W. Johnson, House Parliamentarian)
Enactment of a Law (By Robert B. Dove, Senate Parliamentarian)
[U.S. Government Internet Resources]
Congressional Internet Services (House, Senate, Library of Congress, Government Printing Office, General Accounting Office, Congressional Budget Office)
Library of Congress Web Links: Legislative - Executive - Judicial - State/Local

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Last Update: Wed Mar 26 1997