Files in this Archive
- 47usc_s223_exon_proposed.amend
- Text of S223, as it would be amended by the
Communications Decency Act
- aclu_hr1555_95_mgrs_amend.alert
- ACLU alert regarding HR1555's "Manager's
Mark" amendment, an Exon-bill-like provision that was "slipped in" to
the House telecom bill.
- aclu_hr1555_95_passage.alert
- ACLU alert, Aug. 4 95, regarding the
Passage of HR1555, including the censorious "Managers' Mark" amendment.
- aclu_s314_hr1004.statement
- ACLU alert regarding the Communications
Decency Act
- admin_s652.statement
- Administration statement regarding Senate
Telecommunications Act, with a section on the Exon amendment
- afa_exon_040495.letter
- Letter from the American Family Association to
Sen. Exon regarding his bill
- afa_pressler_042695.letter
- Letter from the American Family Association
to Sen. Pressler
- amend_s314_rose.article
- Computer Underground Digest article about the
Exon bill
- anti-cda_petition.old
- original anti-CDA petition.
- barlow_0296.declaration
- Declarlation of cyberspatial independence:
EFF co-founder John Perry Barlow's response to the 1996 Telecommunications
"Reform" Act's Communications "Decency" Amendment
- berman_v_exon_062295_newshour.transcript
- CDT's Jerry Berman and Sen.
Jim Exon go head-to-head on Internet censorship (transcript from
- cda_051995_s652_amend.draft
- Draft amendment to the Exon Communications
Decency Act
- cda_censorship.article
- 6/2/95 article by Dave Winer presenting the CDA
debate in a new, interesting perspective
- cda_effect_on_e-libraries.article
- John Noring's exploration of the
likely ill effects of the CDA on the development of online libraries.
Not a pretty picture.
- cda_passage_eff.analysis
- EFF analysis, June 16, 1995, of the version of
the Exon "Communications Decency Act" passed by the Senate as part of
S.652, the telecom "deregulation" bill.
- cdt_cda.analysis
- Analysis of the Exon bill by the Center for Democracy and
- cdt_hr1555_95_passage.statement
- Center for Democracy & Technology statement
on passage of HR1555 (including the Cox/Wyden and Managers' Mark
- cdt_pfaw_cda.analysis
- Analysis of Exon bill from CDT and People for the
American Way
- cdt_s314.analysis
- CDT analysis of S 314
- cix_hr1555_95_cox-wyden_080395.letter
- Commerical Internet eXchange (CIX)
letter to the House regarding HR 1555 (the telecom reform bill), in
particular supporting the Cox/Wyden anti-censorship amendment.
- content_regulation_johnson.article
- Editorial examining online content
regulation issues by EFF Board member David Johnson (1995)
- cpsr_ieee_acm_aaai_siam_exon.letter
- Letter from several computing
societies (e.g. Computer Proffessionals for Social Responsibility) to
Exon re his bill
- de_schmutz_und_schund_26_act.note
- short article on the 1929 German
Reichstag law against "smut and trash" and it's similarity to US
Senator J.J. Exon's "Communications Decency Act of 1995"
- doj_leahy_cda_050395.letter
- Letter from the DoJ to Sen. Leahy in answer
to concerns he raised over the Exon bill (includes analysis of the DoJ
response). Bill is co-sponsored by Sen. Russ Feingold (D-WI)
- dole_grassley_95_cdt.summary
- CDT analysis of S.892, a bill by Senators
Dole and Grassley that is even worse that the Exon amendment. Not
expected to pass, but then again this legislation is not dead yet (as of
Oct. 95)
- eff-aclu_cda_lawsuit_020796.alert
- EFF press release regarding the
important lawsuit filed Feb. 8, 1996 challenging the constitutionality of
the 1996 Telecom Bill's "Communications Decency" amendment, and seeking
an injunction against enforcement of this terrible new law until the case
as a whole is decided.
- eff_s314_hr1004.statement
- EFF Alert regarding S314 and HR1004
- ema_exonbill_020395_alert.old
- original EMA alert regarding the Exon bill.
- ema_hr1004_030295.alert
- EMA's action alert regarding the House version
of the Comm. Decency Act.
- ema_s314_hr1004.analysis
- Analysis of S314 prepared by the Electronic
Messaging Association. The analysis covers all aspects of the CDA's
implementation and provides the standard arguments against it.
- eshoo_010596_cda.article
- Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-CA) op-ed piece lambasting
the "Communications Decency" legislation (Jan. 5, 1996)
- exon_comstock_cato.paper
- Cato Institute paper on the Exon
"Communications Decency Act" and other attempts at censorship in the
US, such as the "Comstock Law".
- exon_s1822.amend
- Text of the amendment Exon offered in 1994
- fundamentalists_cda_congress_101695.letter
- Letter to leaders of
Congressional committees with the power to successfully introduce
Internet censorship legislation even worse that Exons, from the Christian
Coalition, Ed Meese, Morality in Media, and other fundamentalist
pro-censorship groups. Address Rep. Henry Hyde took the bait, introduced
their suggested legislation, and it was his version of the Comm. Decency
Act that passed into law, Feb. 1996.
- gorton_exon_s652_95.amend
- Text of the Amendment as of 3/23/95
- harmful_to_minors.summary
- Todd Lappin's summary of what the "harmful to
minors" statutory language really means, and how it related to "indecent",
"obscene", and "obscene as to minors".
- hr1004_95.bill
- Text of the House version of the Communications Decency Act
- hr1004_s314_95_gingrich_interview.excerpt
- Excerpt from David Frost's
interview with Gingrich in which Gingrich declares Exon's bill "probably"
- hr1555_95.bill
- the House version of the Telecom bill as introduced.
- iwg_pressler_030295_s314.letter
- Letter (and commentary) from the
Interactive Working Group to Sens. Exon and Pressler regarding S.
314. The letter expresses concerns with S314's effects on both freedom
of expression and the health of the communications industry.
- johnson_fields_hr1004_040395.letter
- Letter from House CDA sponsor Rep.
Tim Johnson asking for hearings on the bill
- leahy_0296_cda_repeal.announce
- Sen. Pat Leahy (D-VT) statement (brief)
from his home page, regarding his support of the Internet censorshiip
protest, and his new bill to repeal the CDA (see also
- leahy_cda_repeal_020996.statement
- Sen. Pat Leahy (D-VT) statement on his
new bill to repeal the unconstitutional Communications "Decency" Act.
- leahy_cda_senate_033095.statement
- Sen. Leahy's statement in opposition
to the CDA. Leahy believes that the CDA takes the wrong approach
toward regualationa nd that it threatens the free speech and privacy
rights of all internet users.
- leahy_iwg_031595.letter
- Letter from Sen. Leahy to IWG, asking them to
explore alternatives to S. 314
- mim_cda_032895.statement
- Morality in Media statement regarding CDA.
MiM opposes the CDA because of its implementation and effects on existing
statutes, but supports the intent.
- net_censorship_120595_eff.statement
- EFF Statement on
Proposals Regarding Content Control on the Net (Dec. 5, 95). EFF condemns
unconstitutional censorship legislation.
- nwu_anti-censorship_95.resolution
- Aug. 5 95 unanimous resolution of the
National Writers Union to oppose Internet censorship legislation. Roundly
condemns the Exon bill, the Counter Terrorism Bill (S735) and other
censorship legislation, including S974 and S892.
- russell_0296_indecent.article
INDECENT SUBJECT", editorial by Steve Russell, retired Texas trial
judge and Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice at the University of
Texas; published online by _American_Reporter_ as a challenge to the CDA.
- quarterman_cda_0396.article
- _MicroTimes_ article by John S. Quarterman
on the Comms. Decency Act and the numerous problems with it. Excellent
introduction to the topic.
- s1567_96.bill
- Bill to repeal the Communications Decency Act, introduced
Feb. 9, by Sens. Leahy and Feingold.
- s314_95.bill
- Text of S. 314, the Communications Decency Act
- s314_95_aversa.article
- AP article by Jeannine Aversa about the Clinton
Administration's plan to offer an alternative to the CDA
- s314_hr1004_95_exon_post.letter
- Sen. Exon's letter to the Washington
Post defending the CDA
- s314_hr1004_95_furstenau.article
- Editorial from the Lincoln
Journal-Star opposing the CDA (4/2/95)
- s314_hr1004_95_hutchison.statement
- Statement (dated 3/10/95) from Sen.
Hutchison explaining that she will review the text of the CDA before
forming an opinion
- s314_hr1004_post_eff.analysis
- EFF policy paper on the original CDA
- s314_hr1004_s652.alert
- Alert from EFF, VTW, CDT and others re CDA
(updated frequently)
- s314_most_95.commentary
- Commentary, occasionally about CDA, from
SoCoOnline, that is more about the legislation of morality than
specifically about S314.
- s314_rotenberg_exon_cnn.transcript
- Transcript of a CNN debate between
Sen. Exon and EPIC director Marc Rotenberg (2/13/95)
- s652_051995_amend_draft_aclu.statement
- ACLU memo detailing problems
with the revised Exon Admendment (5/24/95)
- s652_95.bill
- Text of S. 652, the "Telecommunications Competition and
Deregulation Act of 1995", as introduced in the Senate.
- s652_95_a1362_exon_coats.amend
- the version of the Exon bill (this time
co-sponsored by Sen. Coats) that passed the Senate. (What happened: Leahy
amended the bill to circumvent Exon, then Exon & Coats amended Leahy's
language out of the bill and put theirs back in. Your tax dollars at
- s652_95_acc.statements
- Commentary on S. 652 from the Alliance for
Competitive Communications 3/22/95
- s652_95_aclu.alert
- ACLU alert explaining the implications of the CDA,
the arguments used by its supporters, replies to these arguments, and
suggested courses of action for concerned netizens (3/23/95)
- s652_95_aclu_providers.letter
- ACLU alert urging people to write letters
to their senators, includes a sample letter (3/28/95)
- s652_95_breaux_senate.statement
- Statement of Sen. Breaux in support of
S. 652 (3/9/95)
- Report of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science,
and Transportation on S. 652
- s652_95_lott_amend_draft_cdt.notes
- CDT report on the forthcoming
amendment from Sen. Lott (R-Miss) which will strike the service provider
defenses from the bill (6/6/95)
- s652_hr1555_96.act
- full text of the Telecommunications Reform Act of
1996, as passed and signed into law, Feb. 1996.
- s652_hr1555_96_draft_bill.excerpt
- 1996 joint conference committee draft
Internet censorship language from the Telecom Bill (new and not yet
introduced into either house of Congress for a vote, as of Jan. 5, 1996.)
- s652_s314_040794_clinton_speech.excerpt
- excerpts from Clinton speech
in Dallas, Texas, that are relevant to S.652 and S.314. (4/7/95)
- s652_s314_hr1004_95_lynch.article
- Article from the Lincoln
Journal-Star, by David Lynch, about the controversy surrounding the CDA
- s652_s314_hr1004_kennedy.statement
- Statement from Sen. Kennedy (D-Mass)
expressing his opposition to the CDA (no date)
- s652_s314_hr1004_rotenberg_noam_exon_npr.transcript
- Transcript from an
NPR program on the CDA, with an introduction from EPIC director Marc
Rotenberg (5/5/95)
- s714_95.bill
- Text of S. 714, introduced by Sen. Leahy in direct
opposition to the CDA
- s714_leahy_intro.statement
- Sen. Leahy's introduction of S. 714
- s892_072495_berman_cdt_judiciary.testimony
- Jerry Berman (Center for
Democracy & Technology) testimony from Senate Judiciary Committee
hearing, July 24 95. Berman's excellent testimony summs up quickly
but in detail the very substantial arguments against the ridiculous
and unconsitutional Dole/Grassley net censorship bill (the
"Protection of Children from Computer Pornography Act of 1995", S892).
- s892_95.bill
- Dole/Grassley "Protection of Children from Computer
Pornography Act of 1995" - the worst US Internet censorship legislation
to date. Thoroughly unconstitutional. Fortunately, it is not expected
to pass.
- ssteele_eff_nyt_120995_cos.article
- _New_York_Times_ op-ed piece by EFF's
Shari Steele, on CoS's legal assault against online critics & sysops,
and Congress' attack against online free speech.
- thomas_niu_020896.letter
- Letter from Prof. Jim Thomas to the president
of Northern Illinois University following the signing of the
Telecommunications Act, urging him to refrain from over-reaction, and
to preserve online free speech at NIU. This could easily be an ideal
model letter to other school administrations who begin clamping down
on student speech in the wake of the CDA, or who seem confused as to
which way to go.
- wyden_0196_cda.statement
- Rep. (now Sen.) Ron Wyden's campaign statement
opposing the CDA (Jan., 1996)
Subdirectories in This Archive
- Up to the Parent Directory
- a directory of little interest to FTP or gopher users; contains
HTML files used by the WWW server.
- Ratings_filters_labelling/
- link to directory of info on Net filtering,
content labelling, and ratings schemes (as discussed or recommended by
several bills and position statements related to Internet censorship
Related On-Site Resources
- link to directory of info on the important lawsuit filed Feb. 8, 1996
challenging the constitutionality of
the 1996 Telecom Bill's "Communications Decency" amendment
- EFF "American Reporter v. Dept. of
Justice (Shea v. Reno)" Archive
- EFF "CRLP v. Dept. of
Justice (Sanger v. Reno)" Archive
- Ratings_filters/
- link to directory of info on Net filtering and ratings
schemes (as discussed or recommended by several bills and position
statements related to the Comm Decency Act.)
Links to Related Off-Site Resources
EPIC's archive on legal challenges to the CDA case
- HotWired
Special Report on the Internet censorship battle (Dec. 12)
- Web
Design's "information lighthouse" on the Internet censorship debate
Audio of the Senate debate on Exon
- (NOTE: Requires RealAudio
sound player)
- Steve Rhodes'
Exon Page
- EXONerate
- Parody filtering software, replaces "profane" words with funny
alternatives (e.g. the names of those who voted for the
Communications Decency Act).
- Harry Erwin's page of selections
from technical literature
- that would be illegal under the Comm. Decency Act. Erwin's
position, probably correct, is that the CDA is a direct threat to
academic and intellectual freedom and to education.
- Slowdog's Communications
Decency Act pages
Pathfinder Internet Censorship Legislation Page
- (provides links to many items of interest on this issue.)
- Paul Ste.
Marie's Internet Censorship Legislation Archive
- particularly geared for Ohio residents
- Global Network
Navigator Web Review pieces
on Internet censorship legislation:
article and op-ed
- "What's New in Activism Online"'s Stop Internet Censorship
- FullMoon Multi-Media's Legal Issues &
Policy Pages
- (with info on the Internet censorship bills, etc.)
- Newshare's Internet
censorship opposition site
- Newshare, American Reporter, a judge and a law firm are
gearing up to challenge in court any Net censorship legislation that passes.