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MFA Prizes in Poetry and Prose

Every spring the UMSL MFA program recognizes distinguished student work by awarding the MFA Prize in Poetry and the MFA Prize in Fiction. During the years we offer a MFA Creative Non-fiction Workshop. The poetry competition is open to all MFA students who have taken a poetry workshop in the preceding year; the call for poetry submissions occurs early in the spring semester. The judging is blind. The judges for these awards are well-regarded and well-published fiction writers, journalists and poets, most of whom reside in other parts of the country. The award results are announced in late March. The winners receive $100 and are honored at the annual English alumni party in the spring.

Recent winners are listed below.


Fiction: Liam Cassidy, A Different Kind of Guy

Runner-up: Bryan Halvarsson, leper/cat

Poetry: Sydney Goggins

Runner-up: Andrea Reynolds



Fiction: William Morris

Runner-up: Bridget McDonald and Victoria Walls

Poetry: Bridget McDonald

Runner-up: El Williams