Nanora Sweet is the author of Mix of Securities (chapbook) and Rotogravure (chapbook) and co-editor of Felicia Hemans: Reimagining Poetry in the Nineteenth Century and Breathing Out: Poems by Loosely Identified. She has been a Poet in the Schools, a consultant for the children’s PBS series Wishbone, and a consultant on Byron for the St. Louis Repertory Theatre. She received the Jinx Walker Prize from the Academy of American Poets. Her Ph.D. in Romantic poetry is from the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor.
Books of Poetry
Mix of Securities (chapbook: Snark Publishing, 2005)
Rotogravure (chapbook: Cherry Pie Press, 2006)
Both chapbooks are available at the University Bookstore and Left Bank Books.
Journal Publications
Poetry Bag; Quartet; Concerning Poetry; Confrontation; Ascent; River Styx; Webster Review; Delmar; Flood Stage; and other journals and anthologies.
Non-fiction Publications
English Journal; Minnesota Review; Oxford Dictionary of National Biography; European Romantic Review; Prose Studies; Symbiosis; St. Louis Post-Dispatch; and other journals and collections.
Poetry Prizes
Academy of American Poets First Place, Washington University, 1981
St. Louis Wednesday Club First Places
Finalist, Denver Quarterly, 1990
Other Awards
Dissertation, "The Bowl of Liberty: Felicia Hemans and the Romantic Mediterranean", received Heberle Award from the University of Michigan Department of English
2005 Woman of Worth, St. Louis Older Women's League
Editorial Projects
Co-editor, Felicia Hemans: Reimagining Poetry in the Nineteenth Century (2001)
Co-editor, The Sceptic: A Byron-Hemans Dialogue (2004)
Co-editor, Breathing Out: Poems by Loosely Identified (2004)
Guest Editor, Natural Bridge 16: special section, Writers Responding to Women Writers (2006)
Web Resources
Contributor to Romantic Circles, Romantic Chronology, Romanticism on the Net, A Celebration of Women Writers
Personal Page with Student Projects and Hemans Scholarship
Popular Press Appearances
Reviewer for St Louis Post-Dispatch
Featured in St Louis Post-Dispatch (24 May 04, 21 Jan 07)
Poetry in the Schools, Omaha, Nebraska
St. Louis Repertory Theatre, Stoppard's Arcadia
Wishbone, PBS Series
Board Memberships
River Styx
Institute for Women's and Gender Studies, Univ. Missouri-St. Louis
Blackwell's Literature Compass
Community: Loosely Identified-a St. Louis Women's Poetry Workshop, St. Louis Poetry Center
Feminist: National Organization for Women
Scholarly: Byron Society, Société des etudes staëliennes, many others
Some Favorite Books
- Three Poems, John Ashbery
- The Blue Estuaries, Louise Bogan
- Childe Harold's Pilgrimate, Lord Byron
- Fears in Solitude, S.T. Coleridge
- Trilogy, H.D.
- Indelible, Rachel Hadas
- Tales and Historic Scenes, Felicia Hemans
- No More Masks! ed. Florence Howe
- Passion, New Poems, 1977-1980, June Jordan
- The Summer Anniversaries, Donald Justice
- Life Studies, Robert Lowell
- Reliquaries, Eric Pankey
- Luck is Luck, Lucia Perillo
- Scattered Rime, Petrarch
- The Colossus, Sylvia Plath
- The Poems of Propertius, trans. Constance Carrier
- Dark Fields of the Republic, Adrienne Rich
- Sappho, a New Translation, Mary Barnard
- Transformations, Anne Sexton
- for colored girls who have considered suicide/when the rainbow is enuf, Ntozak Shange
- Hapax, A.E. Stallings
- Letters from a Father, Mona Van Duyn
- The Prelude, William Wordsworth