Sara Overholser

Merit Award


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Dough, sauce, cheese ... Dough, sauce, cheese ...

The piece shown is one of many large paintings I have completed of people working. Since time began, man has been engaged in meaningful activity to provide for his needs, better known as work. Work in its purest form is noble and can take many forms. Nothing humbles a person more than to labor at a task and accomplish something. The task is one of a trillion things going on in a day, and the worker is one of a trillion people getting something done. So in the grand scheme of things, that job and that person might seem menial but are important to everything else. We are shaped by this process. As man engages in activity his face and his body take on a different appearance. His muscles tense, and his expression becomes more deliberate. The environment reflects this change with the special positioning of equipment and tools as well as the special positions for each task. My goal as an artist is to capture the everyday tasks in our fast-paced world. One of our most basic concerns is to be needed in our everyday lives.

--Sara Overholser

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