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Multiple Personality, Multiple Intelligence and Multiple Whatever
If I have to, I would classify my work as "Abstract Expressionism." My work containsreferences to open-ended, non-gravitational,experimental, sincerely olipsistic, processing (layering, adding, and subtracting),and non-representational method. My work doesnot set out to represent or embellish nature. I am interested in the quality of work associated with emotions and ideas. Practicing art allows metremendous freedom. Painting, like other forms of art is the most important tool for communicatingwith myself and with others. All of the colors, textures, qualities, and characteristics in my workcome together as a metaphor. Painting is a process,demanding balance between intent and result. Tough ideas and plans let me start paintings; I allow the painting to express itself. The processlets me learn and explore different techniques and experiments with media. I don't expect others to see what I see or try to convey in my work; I want othersto discover what touches their minds through their eyes.
--Mika Cho