For this exercise you will need to take two seed numbers
and create a fibonacci series up to 100.
(Curious to know what a
fibonnaci series is and why it is useful. Well take those little fingers
and type fibonnaci into your favorite search engine.
Here you will need to take in an integer and come up with the factorial for that integer.(For example 5! is 5*4*3*2*1= 120)For any further questions on this one please refer to my BE RESOURCEFUL comment above.
Take a populated array of unsorted numbers and first
sort them in ascending order and then descending order.
(For those with
question that just popped into their head "Should the results be printed
out to the screen?" The answer would be
Here you will have the user enter in a whole number between 1 and 99 and then output the correct change in Quarters, Dimes, Nickles and Pennies.(THEN CONVERT IT TO EURO DOLLARS! I'M JOKING!!!!!)
For the grand finale I would like for you to take in information from the user such as name whether or not they are an hourly or salary. If they are hourly you will ask for the number of hours worked, calculate anything over 40 as time and a half. If they are salary ask what level they are and make up three levels(These should be constants set in your program) which have three different salaries associated with them and use a switch case statement to compare the level they enter and then print to the screen their yearly salary computed for a forty hour work week.