CHAPTER 4 Risk and Return: The Basics


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CHAPTER 4 Risk and Return: The Basics

What is investment risk?

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Investment Alternatives (Given in the Mini Case)

Why is the T-bill return independent of the economy?

Do T-bills promise a completely risk-free return?

Do the returns of High Tech and Collections move with or counter to the economy?

Calculate the expected rate of return on each alternative

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What’s the standard deviation of returns for each alternative?

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Expected Returns vs. Risk

Coefficient of Variation (CV)

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Portfolio Risk and Return

Portfolio Return, kp

Alternative Method

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General Statements About Risk

Returns Distribution for Two Perfectly Negatively Correlated Stocks (r = -1.0) and for Portfolio WM

Returns Distributions for Two Perfectly Positively Correlated Stocks (r = +1.0) and for Portfolio MM’

What would happen to the riskiness of an average 1-stock portfolio as more randomly selected stocks were added?

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Stand-alone Market Firm-specific

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How are betas calculated?

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Find beta

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Can a beta be negative?

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Use the SML to calculate the required returns.

Required Rates of Return

Expected vs. Required Returns

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Calculate beta for a portfolio with 50% HT and 50% Collections

The required return on the HT/Coll. portfolio is:

If investors raise inflation expectations by 3 percentage points, what would happen to the SML?

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If inflation did not change but risk aversion increased enough to cause the market risk premium to increase by 3 percentage points, what would happen to the SML?

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Has the CAPM been verified through empirical tests?

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